Rep. James Comer Struggles To Give A Straight Answer In Awkward Fox News Moment

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) struggled to say whether the FBI had one or more informants in an interview on his Biden family investigation, a probe that’s yet to offer evidence to back GOP claims that President Joe Biden engaged in “influence peddling” before his administration.

Comer is taking on the FBI over a document — an FD-1023 form it uses to record conversations with confidential sources — that he claims ties the president’s son Hunter Biden and other family members to taking in over $10 million from foreign sources.

The Republican, who suggested his own informant on the matter went “missing” and implied the investigation is about aiding former President Donald Trump, joined Fox NewsSean Hannity on Wednesday to discuss what “could be” in a probe that has centered on unsubstantiated allegations.

“With respect to the FBI, they could’ve had many meetings with this informant,” Comer said.

“But the way the FBI described it and the way my staff and I interpreted it was there were multiple 1023s. So it could’ve been the same informant that the FBI met with multiple times.”

Hannity went on to press Comer over whether the FBI had “multiple sources” alleging what he earlier termed a “Biden bribery scheme.”

“It could be multiple sources or it could be one,” Comer replied, “The name of the informant is confidential, right.”

“OK, uh, anyway, James Comer, thanks for the update, we appreciate it, keep up the good work,” said Hannity.

Comer, in a Wednesday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, warned that his committee would move to hold him in contempt of Congress if his agency didn’t comply with a subpoena for the form, according to a committee press release.

Comer confirmed to Hannity that he plans to meet with Wray next week to discuss the investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told CNN that a meeting between the two is set to take place in “the coming days.”
