Rishi Sunak stuck to his new slogan relentlessly - but some MPs believe it backfired spectacularly

Rishi Sunak's message at his Downing Street news conference was "stick to the plan". But his strategy was to stick to the script - relentlessly.

His aim was to warn the unelected House of Lords not to wreck his Rwanda bill after it cleared the elected Commons with a relatively healthy majority of 44.

But there was nothing subtle about the way he delivered his ultimatum to their lordships, and some MPs and peers believe it may have backfired spectacularly.

In an appearance in Downing Street behind his "Stop the Boats" podium, lasting just under 27 minutes, Mr Sunak said "stick to the plan" - or very similar - no fewer than 15 times.

Politics live: Rishi Sunak tries to 'make a bogeyman' at 'utterly bizarre' news briefing

And if we were in any doubt about Labour's alternative, at least according to the prime minister, he said it would be "back to square one" eight times.

In all, Mr Sunak said the word "plan" a remarkable 41 times, which worked out at a mention every 40 seconds during his opening remarks and responses to 11 questions from journalists.

Of course, we're used to recent Tory prime ministers repeating a short, simple slogan over and over again. It has been very successful. But not always.

"Take back control" - a Dominic Cummings slogan - and "Get Brexit done" - credited to Tory election guru Isaac Levido - worked well for Boris Johnson in the 2016 EU referendum and 2019 general election.

But Theresa May was ridiculed for repeating "nothing has changed" when she insisted she hadn't performed a U-turn on a social care policy during the 2017 election campaign.

So, during his news conference, Mr Sunak's repetition of his "stick to the plan" slogan went like this…

  1. Stick to our plan

  2. Stick to the plan

  3. Stick to the plan

  4. Stick to the plan

  5. Stick to the plan

  6. Our plan that's working, stick with it

  7. Sticking with the plan

  8. Stick with that plan

  9. Stick to that plan

  10. Stick to the plan

  11. Stick with us. Our plans are working already,

  12. Stick with the plan

  13. Stick to this plan

  14. We have got a plan that is working. If we stick with it

  15. Stick with the plan

And his attack on Labour went…

  1. It would take us to square one

  2. The alternative is that we go back to square one

  3. That would be back to square one

  4. ...we would go back to square one

  5. ...take us back to square one

  6. ...back to square one

  7. ...back to square one

  8. ...back to square one

Read more:
'Not surprising' people felt 'misled' by government's asylum claims - UK stats watchdog
Rebel Tories submit 'several' no confidence letters in Sunak

Will the repetition backfire? In a Sky News interview in which he predicted fierce opposition to the Rwanda bill in the Lords, crossbench peer Lord Carlile was withering about the PM's news conference.

"It was banal, it was vacuous and it was extremely repetitive, but it didn't say anything new," he said scornfully.

Repetitive, certainly. But Mr Sunak will be hoping that sticking to the script is as successful as Mr Johnson's slogans were and that he doesn't suffer the ridicule endured by Ms May.