Roller derby tournament in memory of 'amazing' woman

A roller derby tournament is raising money for charity in memory of an "amazing" woman.

Louise Wright was 29 when she was hit by a lorry in 2014 in Nottingham as she cycled to work, with the driver given a suspended sentence.

The Louisey Rider Cup, held at Harvey Hadden Sports Village on Saturday, has raised more than £20,000 for road safety charity Brake since it was first held nine years ago.

Gemma Fenyn, who became friends with Ms Wright through roller derby, said the event was a fitting tribute to the former Paul Smith worker.

"We want to create a legacy for Louise, not just in Nottingham but across the whole of the UK," the 41-year-old said.

"She was a great rider, and a great personality.

"She was a major part in helping people who were new to roller derby - there's a bit of trepidation for people when the start, and so having someone like Louise makes all the difference.

"We all still remember her, and we want to do this for her."

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