Rose McGowan finds Harvey Weinstein coverage tough

Rose McGowan has found it difficult to watch news coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
The 'Charmed' actress has claimed she was raped by the disgraced movie mogul and after more than 60 allegations of sexual misconduct against him were reported in recent weeks, the producer was fired from his own The Weinstein Company and split from his wife, Georgina Chapman.
And Rose admitted she finds it traumatic every time she sees hi face.
She said: "The triggering has been insane. The monster's face has been everywhere, my nightmare."
The 44-year-old star claimed she had been "silenced", "slut-shamed" and harassed following the alleged assault but called for more people to speak out.
Speaking at the Women's Convention in Detroit on Friday (27.10.17), she said: "I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed. I have been harassed. I have been maligned and you know what? I'm just like you.
"What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in society and it cannot stand and it will not stand...
"No more will we be hurt. It's time to rise. It's time to be brave."
Rose called for people to speak out about sexual harassment and assault in order to get rid of "monsters".
She said: "No more. Name it. Shame it. Call it out. It's time to clean house!
"It's time to be brave. In the face of unspeakable actions, from one monster we look away to another.
"The head monster of all right now. And they are the same. And they must die."
The actress also urged Hollywood to become more diverse.
She said: "Hollywood may seem like it's an isolated thing, but it is not.
"It is the messaging system for your mind. It is the mirror that you're given to look into. This is what you are as a woman. This is what you are as a man. This is what you are as a boy. Girl. Gay. Straight. Transgender. But it's all told through the 96 percent male Directors Guild of America. We are given one view, and I know the men behind that view. And they should not be in your mind...It's time to clean house."
Weinstein has previously denied allegations of non-consensual sex.