Sheryl Crow: My mental health is a work in progress

Sheryl Crow's mental health is a "work in progress".
The 60-year-old music star has previously opened up about her struggles with depression, and Sheryl feels attitudes towards mental health issues are slowly changing.
She explained: "I think we've gotten better about talking about our mental health.
"I mean, certainly we've seen ... This past year has been an incredible illustration of how fragile our mental health is. And I think we're starting to enter a really healthy place where it's OK to speak about the struggles and the chemical struggles.
"I think the way I am made, is what has propagated my art. It's made me want to be an artist. But at the same time, it's also been something I've struggled with."
Sheryl continues to struggle with her mental health. However, she's learned more about herself and how to cope with her issues over the years.
The singer told 'Entertainment Tonight': "The really high highs, the really low lows. And it's a work in progress at all times, but at least I'm aware of what it means to be in the throes of either one of those, and to figure out how to centre myself."
By contrast, Sheryl admits it was much harder to discuss the issue earlier in her career.
The 'Everyday Is a Winding Road' hitmaker feared being perceived as "damaged goods" during her younger years.
She said: "If people talked about mental struggles, then there was something really wrong with you, and you were damaged, you were damaged goods. And I think now we're seeing that, not just famous people and not just people who are achieving, but people all across every walk of life, including our children, struggle.
"We need to have a dialogue that is constant and empathetic."