Sugar Bear's Wife Contemplates Weight Loss Surgery — But Doesn't 'Want to Look Like Mama June'

Is Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson‘s wife following in the footsteps of Mama June Shannon?

Last year, Mama June: From Not to Hot audiences saw the drastic $75,000 transformation that Mama June underwent, which included an extensive series of surgeries and a weight loss of nearly 300 lbs.

“Lately I’ve been having these chest pains, being dizzy and just not feeling right. There’s no need to tell Mike until I find out what’s going on for myself,” she said before she took a trip to the urgent care. “With the dizziness and the chest pain going on, I’m starting to worry that something is seriously wrong.”

While at the doctor’s office, Jennifer stepped on the scale — and had a shocked look on her face when she saw the number: 431 lbs.

“Oh my God, I know that I’ve gained some weight, but c’mon — that’s a lot of weight,” she said.

After seeing her primary care doctor, Jennifer was referred to a weight specialist because her doctor was “scared” some of her problems were due to excess weight.

“My joints, my knees, my hip. There’s days I can’t even function because they hurt so bad. I’m having chest pains, where you get out and you start walking and you can’t breathe. At 44 I shouldn’t be doing that,” said Jennifer.

After she explained that she suffered from shortness of breath and chest pain, Dr. Michael Blaney, M.D., a bariatric surgeon, said that “losing weight would be a significant help to your overall health” before he encouraged her to have weight loss surgery. “Obesity does take away from our quality of life,” he said.

“Somebody in your weight range I would expect to lose about 50 percent of their excess weight,” said Dr. Blaney. “So 50 percent would be 125 lbs. is about what I would expect on average.”

But Jennifer was hesitant about the procedure for a few reasons — including not wanting to look like her nemesis, Mama June.

“I don’t believe in having surgery like June did just to lose weight. I’ve always said big is beautiful and I will always stand by that,” said Jennifer. “I don’t want to look like June. I never would want to look like June, but if I keep doing what I’m doing now, I’m not guaranteed the next five years.”

Dr. Blaney further told her that it’s important to have “a support person.” Although the surgery would benefit her overall health, Jennifer was scared that Sugar Bear wouldn’t like her weight loss.

“He loves me the way I am, so that’s sort of what scares me too,” said Jennifer. “One thing I know: Mike don’t have nothing to do with no one that looks like June.”

“The doctor told me that if I started losing a couple of pounds that my chest pain would go away and maybe I need to look at some books on some healthier eating. It’s just going to do me better,” she said.

To get a second opinion on the medical matter, Jennifer met up with her friend — and fellow Mama June hater — Miss Janice.

“Living with the weight on me could do more damage than having surgery,” said Jennifer. “I don’t want to look like June. I just want to be me — not to look like a bobblehead Barbie doll.”

When Janice questioned whether Jennifer had told Sugar Bear, she explained that she had yet to break the news to him because “Mike has always really liked bigger women. So if I tell him, I might lose him. I have to worry: is he still gonna love me the same as he loves me now?”

“The visit with the doctor puts it in perspective that I have been ignoring my own health problems,” she said. “I don’t know if I’m going to do this weight loss surgery, but the way I’ve been feeling lately, I need to make a decision soon.”

“When the time is right,” Jennifer said that she would tell Sugar Bear about the possibility of weight loss and the DNA test results, which were meant to reveal whether or not he was Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson‘s biological father.

But following a heated exchange, the “right time” appeared to be far off. After Jennifer returned home, Sugar Bear found the DNA results in her drawer.

“I went behind your back to protect you,” Jennifer explained to an angry Sugar Bear. “I was going to tell you about that when the time was right.”

She went on to tell him that “the results were inconclusive. The DNA samples look corrupted, so they couldn’t tell if you were her father or not.”

“I am the father!” Sugar Bear fired back. “I don’t need no damn piece of paper telling me,” he said before he slammed the door and left the house.

Said Jennifer: “I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is yelling at me like that. But if he is this mad about me doing a DNA test, what is he going to say when I tell him about the weight loss surgery?”

Mama June: From Not to Hot airs Fridays (9 p.m. ET) on WE tv.