Tampa Weatherman Jokes His Dog Is 'Shopping for an Agent' After Adorably Interrupting Broadcast

This canine is ready for his closeup!

Earlier this month, Tampa Bay weatherman Paul Dellegatto saw something very unexpected pop up on the forecast: his adorable dog Brody!

While the chief meteorologist for FOX13 attempted to give viewers an update on the local weather, Brody interrupted the live broadcast after bumping into Dellegatto’s computer, causing the weather graphics to stop working.

"The maps aren’t going to move because he just whacked the computer with his head. Let me verbalize the forecast, okay," Dellegatto told viewers, before jokingly chastising the pup, who had leaped up into his lap. "That wasn’t very smart."

While sitting front and center, Brody continued to draw focus, turning around to mug for the camera, and even yawning as Dellegatto did his job. "Didn't mean to keep you up," the weatherman teased.

Before the broadcast came to an end, Brody found another way to make sure all eyes were on him, jumping up by the window to try and find a cameraman sitting outside.

"Oh boy," Dellegatto said, as one of his coworkers teased, "We don’t need to see the forecast map, we’ll just look at Brody."

Bringing his news segment to a close, Dellegatto added, "Thanks for bearing with us, we’ll have your complete forecast, including all the little graphics coming up."

"BRODY STEALS THE SHOW! It doesn't matter if @PaulFox13 has work to do — his pup Brody just wants allllllll the attention!" FOX13 wrote on social media, alongside a clip of the hilarious interaction.

"Brody shopping for an agent. I’m looking for a job," Dellgatto jokingly replied.

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Understandably, Brody’s antics eventually went viral, bringing the pooch a new level of virtual fame.

"This is the best weather forecast in the history of television news," read one viral message, which was shared and liked by thousands on Twitter, including Star Wars alum Mark Hamill.

"One of the only things I like about the lockdown is being able to see what everybody's homes look like. That, & dogs photobombing the weather report, of course," the actor wrote.

Although Brody may have been the star of the broadcast, Dellgatto's stock at home skyrocketed after the celebrity shout out. "Thanks," the weatherman replied. "Now my daughter thinks I’m the coolest dad on the planet."