The Traitors’ Paul Gorton admits ‘huge mistake’ after banishment

The Traitors’ Paul Gorton admits ‘huge mistake’ after banishment

BBC The Traitors’ supervillain Paul Gorton has revealed he made a huge “fumble” following his shock banishment from the castle.

On Thursday’s episode of the psychological game, where contestants try to find the traitors who are “murdering” them to stop them from winning prize money, Paul was sent home by fellow traitor Harry Clarke.

The 36-year-old has now revealed the moment he knew he’d be banished for good.

“I feel like I got to a point where I was done,” Paul said, according to reports.

The business manager from Manchester added: “I knew I was being called out and I knew that it was the right time for me to go. I felt like it was a great full stop and it’s the end of my show. I know it was because of the fumble that we made with the dungeon – I knew I was on borrowed time at that point.

“Every day after that was a bonus to me. Would I have done anything differently? I wouldn’t have put myself in the dungeon, put it that way!”

During the theatrics at the roundtable on Thursday’s episode (18 January), Harry,22, turned to Paul and said: "Like you said, I’ve tossed and turned as to why I’m still here, people round this table know I’d walk through fire to win a mission, and another reason is I’m really close with someone. So I’ve got to go with yourself too Paul."

The moment Harry turns on Paul (The Traitors, BBC)
The moment Harry turns on Paul (The Traitors, BBC)

Viewers were left impressed by Harry’s Traitor skills, with one fan writing on Twitter/X: “So unbelievably delicious the way Paul thinks he’s Head Traitor and Harry is just WIPING THE FLOOR WITH HIM.”

Another fan said: “Paul’s downfall is EVERYTHING give the show ALL the awards.”

One viewer noted that it was the “BEST” episode, adding: “This has to be the BEST episode in terms of killing off a traitor at the round table I’ve watched. Also why is no one talking about Jaz’s reaction??? What a guy, he knew from day 1! Hats off the Paul though, he did great but Harry knew to be 10 steps ahead of him.”

In an interview with BBC Breakfast on Friday, Paul said his family thought it was funny after watching him play the role of a “pantomime villain” on the show.

When asked how his family received his performance as a traitor who had tried to manipulate the other contestants, Paul said: “Everyone that I know who has watched it, they just find it the funniest thing in the world.

“I mean, I think at the start, maybe I came across more of a villain and then the more that kind of went on people (were) like ‘oh, he’s like a pantomime villain’, he’s actually like, just this camp guy that’s doing not even that cruel things, to be honest.

“So yeah, my family just they love it and they support me through it and you know, they’ve dealt with me for years, they know exactly what I’m about.”

Paul also praised Harry for “flying” to finish the line after his success in ousting him. He added: “Harry is just taking the reins (as leader of the Traitors) and he now needs to go and win it.”

The Traitors airs Wednesday to Friday on BBC One at 9pm.