Trump attacks ‘dope’ UAW head in late-night Truth Social rant

Donald Trump went after the head of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union following the labour group’s endorsement of President Joe Biden.

The former president claimed that UAW President Shawn Fain has accepted what he called Mr Biden’s “vision” of a future with “all” electric vehicles.

“I had the great privilege of watching Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers, this morning on DeFace the Nation,” he wrote on Truth Social on Sunday night, using his mocking moniker for Face the Nation on CBS.

“He is a real ‘STIFF’ who is selling the Automobile Industry right into the big, powerful, hands of China,” Mr Trump added about Mr Fain. “Fifty-five per cent of the industry has already left the US, and the rest will soon be following if I am not elected President.”

“He bought into Biden’s ‘vision’ of all Electric Vehicles, which require far fewer workers to make each car but, more importantly, are not wanted in large numbers by the consumer, and will ALL be made in China,” he claimed. “I want them to be made in the USA, every type of car, and would require China, and other countries, through TARIFFS, or otherwise, to build plants here, with our workers.”

“Now they are building in Mexico, the biggest plants anywhere, and selling their cars, Tariff Free, into the good ol’ USA. Shawn Fain doesn’t understand this or have a clue,” he added. ”Get rid of this dope & vote for DJT. I will bring the Automobile Industry back to our Country.”

United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain, left, listens as President Joe Biden speaks to striking UAW members outside a General Motors facility on 26 September, 2023, in Van Buren Township, Michigan (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain, left, listens as President Joe Biden speaks to striking UAW members outside a General Motors facility on 26 September, 2023, in Van Buren Township, Michigan (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

During his appearance on CBS on Sunday morning, Mr Fain said, “When you look at these two candidates, you know, Joe Biden has a history of serving others, and serving the working class, and fighting for the working class, standing with the working class”.

“Donald Trump has a history of serving himself and standing for the billionaire class. And that’s contrary to everything that working-class people stand for,” he added, The Hill noted.

“Donald Trump is a billionaire, and that’s who he represents. If Donald Trump ever worked in an auto plant, he wouldn’t be a UAW member,” the UAW president claimed. “He’d be a company man trying to squeeze the American worker. Donald Trump stands against everything we stand for as a union.”

“The biggest thing to us is, no matter which way we go on this, we’re gonna have security for our members and for the working-class people,” Mr Fain told CBS, noting the union’s new contract. “So we’re not afraid of where we’re headed, no matter where this industry goes.”