Videos capture horrifying moment US man allegedly 'doused colleagues in gasoline and set them on fire'

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: The horrifying moment two men were doused in gasoline and set on fire on the side of a US highway has been caught on camera.

Four co-workers in two cars were travelling along a highway in Baltimore County in Maryland on Friday afternoon, when one of the cars ran out of fuel.

The group walked to a petrol station and when they returned a fight ensued, WBAL TV reports.

The flames erupted and engulfed the two men on the side of the highway. Source:David Widener
The flames erupted and engulfed the two men on the side of the highway. Source:David Widener

Christopher Harrison Jr, 28, who has since been arrested, allegedly doused his two colleagues in gasoline before setting them alight.

One video of the terrifying incident was captured by David Widener, who told the TV station that he was only expecting to record a fight between the pair.

Vision shows the two men being engulfed by flames as the fire erupts on the side of the highway.

While one burn victim runs up an embankment, the other victim runs across the highway while screaming for help.

By the time he drops and rolls on the road to put out the flames, all of his clothes had already burned off.

The two men, whose names have not been released by police, were taken to a local hospital for urgent treatment.

David Cambell reportedly remains in hospital in a stable condition after suffering burns to 60 per cent of his body. Source: GoFundMe.
David Cambell reportedly remains in hospital in a stable condition after suffering burns to 60 per cent of his body. Source: GoFundMe.

One unnamed man reportedly suffered burns to over 90 per cent of his body, while the man identified on a GoFundMe page as David Campbell has burns to over 60 per cent of his body. Both men remain in hospital.

Cody Yeager, a friend of Mr Campbell set up the GoFundMe page to rise funds to help with the victim's recovery.

"He might not be able to work when he comes out, and I kind of wanted to have a little bit of money set aside for him so he would be able to get on his feet and recover," Mr Yeager said.

He noted yesterday that Mr Campbell was in a stable condition and would be undergoing surgery today.

Christopher Harrison Jr has been arrested and charged. Source: Baltimore County Police.
Christopher Harrison Jr has been arrested and charged. Source: Baltimore County Police.

Baltimore County Police Cpl. Shawn Vinson told the Baltimore Sun that Christopher Harrison Jr had been charged with attempted first-degree murder, first and second-degree assault and reckless endangerment.

He said the cause of the dispute remained unclear and noted that the video would assist with the prosecution of the case.