New Voice of Ukraine initiates drone fundraiser for 110th brigade

Collection for the 110th Brigade
Collection for the 110th Brigade

New Voice of Ukraine (NV) has launched a fundraising campaign to supply three Mavic 3T drones to the 110th Major General Marko Bezruchko Separate Mechanized Brigade, which has steadfastly defended Ukraine near Avdiivka for the past three years.

The initiative, aiming to gather 600,000 hryvnias (approximately $14,960), was requested by the brigade's fighters through NV Business journalist and former brigade member Petro Shevchenko.

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Link to the drones fundraiser for the 110th Brigade.

For three consecutive years, the 110th Brigade has resisted the Russian army's intense offensive on the Avdiivka front. In the last 20 days alone, the brigade has downed eight Russian fighter jets and curtailed further Russian advances.

This fundraising effort follows NV’s previous successful campaigns, including one for the National Guard’s Khartiia Brigade and the 3rd Brigade, which collectively raised over 4 million hryvnias ($99,731) last year for vehicles, drones, weapons, and other supplies for various Ukrainian military units.

To participate, official representatives of the military units must contact NV Media Holding or journalist Petro Shevchenko directly and complete a required form.

Read also: Ukraine aims to cripple Russian fossil fuel industry, NV launches drone fundraiser, Germany announces €500 million aid package

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Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine