Watch: MPs debate Rwanda policy after shock resignations over asylum policy

Watch as MPs debate the Safety of Rwanda Bill on Wednesday, 17 January, following Prime Minister's Questions.

It comes after Rishi Sunak minister faced the biggest Conservative revolt of his leadership yesterday, as some 60 Conservatives supported changes to the deportation legislation put forward by Tory veteran Sir Bill Cash.

Right-wingers are pushing to ensure UK and international law cannot be used to prevent or delay a person being removed to Rwanda.

Prominent figures in the Conservative party, such as Liz Truss, Suella Braverman, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, and Sir Simon Clarke, were among those to support the changes.

Senior red wall MPs Lee Anderson and Brendan Clarke-Smith also resigned from their party positions to vote in favour of the amendments.

Jane Stevenson quit her role as a parliamentary private secretary in the Department for Business and Trade to back the changes.

Tonight will be the bill’s crucial third reading after no Conservatives voted against the Bill at its second reading, despite similar warnings from the right of the party.