Yellowknife selects new city manager

Stephen Van Dine has been selected as Yellowknife's new city manager, a role which he will begin in August. (Submitted by the City of Yellowknife - image credit)
Stephen Van Dine has been selected as Yellowknife's new city manager, a role which he will begin in August. (Submitted by the City of Yellowknife - image credit)

The City of Yellowknife says it has selected a new city manager.

Stephen Van Dine, a longtime northerner, will take on the role of top administrator as of Aug. 6.

He replaces John Collin, who resigned unexpectedly weeks after starting. Former city manager Sheila Bassi-Kellett has been doing the job in the meantime, and will continue doing so until Van Dine starts.

In a news release Thursday, Mayor Rebecca Alty pointed to Van Dine's decades of experience in the North and working in the public sector.

"With his commitment to reconciliation, collaboration and transformation, we look forward to working with him."

According to the city, Van Dine has worked with the territorial and federal governments, and led numerous federal Arctic projects, including the launch of the Nutrition North food subsidy program and the start of construction for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut.