YIKES! Jennifer Garner Says Her Kids 'Love The Flavor Of Char' Because She Burns Everything

jennifer garner
Jennifer Garner's Kids 'Love The Flavor Of Char'Koldunova_Anna / Getty Images / Jennifer Garner / Facebook

Jennifer Garner may host her own Pretend Cooking Show on Instagram, but that doesn't mean the burgeoning chef has surpassed her role as an amateur just yet. While appearing on The View earlier this week, the Family Switch star opened up about her worst kitchen fails.

"I love your Pretend Cooking Show because you leave in all the mistakes, including a fire alarm incident that happened," co-host Sara Haines said, per PEOPLE. When asked about her "worst kitchen disaster," Garner admitted that it was "being let into the kitchen in the first place."

"I love to cook and thank goodness I’ve trained my kids to really love the flavor of char," Garner joked. "They say that’s how they know I made it. Cause I always want things just a little bit crispy and then I forget. It’s like, whatever. My toxic trait is optimism. I’m going to remember to take things out of the oven."

While Haines also asked about whether the actress would ever turn Pretend Cooking Show into a real cooking show, Garner played coy. "But Pretend Cooking Show, it is a real show, it’s a just a pretend cooking show! A real pretend cooking show," she said.

This is hardly the first time Garner has kept it real when discussing her kitchen skills. Just last March she told PEOPLE that only "50 percent" of what she makes actually works out.

"It doesn't deter me. Honestly, my kids are pretty patient with me," she said. "I'll bake cookies or I'll bake bread and I'll forget and leave it in too long or I won't pay attention and I'll pull it out too early."

Ultimately, it isn't the final result that inspires Garner to cook, but the family aspect. "To me, baking and cooking for your family is love," she added. "They know that I care and that I'm trying my scattered best. I wish I were a type A as some of my characters have been in the past, but that is not my skill set."

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